Thursday, September 18, 2008

Custom Satisfaction.

This may sound like I'm blowing my own horn and perhaps I am. Recently one of our custom builders had a strange request. He had been tasked by the design team on a project to get a wood floor done. No big deal. But they had a small sample from who knows where. They really thought no one could match this sample. We went to work. Nick and I played mad scientists. We actually were able to make an exact match. Was easy. All we did was start with quartersawn white oak, stain it black, sand off the surface leaving black in the grain only. Then we bleached it, twice. Next it was stained with a lime toned white wash, then 3 coats of urethane on top.
So far so good. But that was a quart of stain on a board. Now we had to duplicate this process on 2500 square feet. We mixed up 8 gallons of stain and big Nick set off to do the job. I was so proud of the end result. It was stunning, really. So if you need something custom done, we would love the challenge!!!